Nov 302015

The audiobook of the Lovecraftian horror anthology Cthulhu Lives, which includes my short story “The Thing in the Printer”, is now up on Bandcamp.

The audiobook of the Lovecraftian horror anthology Cthulhu Lives, which includes my short story “The Thing in the Printer”, is now up on Bandcamp.

Author chat on "Whispers in Darkness"

 Erotica, History of BDSM, meta  Comments Off on Author chat on "Whispers in Darkness"
Nov 022011

Now that Whispers in Darkness is officially on sale, I did a series of posts on the Circlet Press LJ group to promote it. While the chat is over, you can still read and comment.

HP Lovecraft, erotica and why they actually do go together
Author commentary for “Koenigsberg’s Model”
Miss Lovecraft’s students learn about their bodies
HP Lovecraft, erotica and why they don’t necessarily go together
A guided tour of the book, part 1, 2 and 3
Wrap up


"Koenigsberg’s Model" in the Lovecraftian erotica collection, Whispers in Darkness

 Erotica, History of BDSM, meta  Comments Off on "Koenigsberg’s Model" in the Lovecraftian erotica collection, Whispers in Darkness
Oct 262011

We interrupt your regular blog to mention another fiction publication, my short story “Koenigsberg’s Model” in Circlet Press’ collection of HP Lovecraft-themed erotica, Whispers in Darkness. You can get it from Amazon at the above link, or from All Romance Ebooks.

I’m also giving an author chat on Circlet Press’ Livejournal group until Friday.
