Jan 162012

I’ve been a fan of Canadian film director David Cronenberg for years, and I was most pleased to get the opportunity to write about his new film A Dangerous Method. (Or rather, be paid to write about it.)

This was even harder than I usually find writing, as I wanted to make this special and not just throw something down on the screen. I took out just about every book in the library on Cronenberg, and even tracked down a 37-year-old review of his first feature, Shivers, which the reviewer called “the most repulsive film I’ve ever seen.” 26 years later, Cronenberg walked away from Cannes with a special jury prize.

I also had to delay because it took forever for the film to screen here in Vancouver. I got it done and submitted Sunday night.

Currently there are two other paying projects on the go, with one finished but waiting on a clarification about rights and payment, the other in progress. There’s also a fiction story that I have a buyer for, but I’m procrastinating about signing the contract. In back of that is a work-for-hire project that would be a major undertaking, with money and a topic that interests me, but with less creative control.

 Posted by at 11:02

Vancouver BC BDSM Conference Westward Bound

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Jan 082012

While I missed the opportunity to present at this event, I will be attending Vancouver’s Westward Bound BDSM conference on February 3-5, presented by Metro Vancouver Kink. This promises a great weekend of educational events and play parties in Vancouver’s Maritime Labour Centre.

I’m a co-founder and former board member of Metro Vancouver Kink, and I’m always pleased to support the organization.


Guest post on BDSM Book Reviews: The Archaeology of Erotica

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Jan 062012

My brief history of erotica has been posted on BDSM Book Reviews:

I would argue that the bulk of what is categorized as erotica today can be traced back to two highly influential books, one from the early twentieth century, the other from the middle, both by women, both with women protagonists being initiated into exotic realms of pleasure, both widely dismissed as sensational, pornographic, misogynistic trash.


Author chat on "Whispers in Darkness"

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Nov 022011

Now that Whispers in Darkness is officially on sale, I did a series of posts on the Circlet Press LJ group to promote it. While the chat is over, you can still read and comment.

HP Lovecraft, erotica and why they actually do go together
Author commentary for “Koenigsberg’s Model”
Miss Lovecraft’s students learn about their bodies
HP Lovecraft, erotica and why they don’t necessarily go together
A guided tour of the book, part 1, 2 and 3
Wrap up


"Koenigsberg’s Model" in the Lovecraftian erotica collection, Whispers in Darkness

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Oct 262011

We interrupt your regular blog to mention another fiction publication, my short story “Koenigsberg’s Model” in Circlet Press’ collection of HP Lovecraft-themed erotica, Whispers in Darkness. You can get it from Amazon at the above link, or from All Romance Ebooks.

I’m also giving an author chat on Circlet Press’ Livejournal group until Friday.
